How to properly register an Investor account

4 avril 2022

Some of you may ask - why Investor account registration is so complicated and consists of several steps? Why are there so many questions? For example, why does Platform require information on my annual personal spending?

Well, first you should understand we are fully compliant with new European crowdfunding service providers for business, and amending Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 and Directive (EU) 2019/1937, we are licensed and supervised by one of the strictest authorities in EU - Latvian Finance and capital market Commission.

It's not a secret that Latvia does not have a brilliant reputation because of some Bank insolvency cases in the immediate past and some Business Loan crowdfunding platform scam scandals. As a result, the Latvian authority has much pressure while licensing new market players, and we are the first-ever Latvian Equity crowdfunding platform.

Let us guide you through the account registration process and make some potential questions clear at the early beginning:

1.    Process starts with the standard email address verification- nothing complicated and unexpected.

a) Click on the Sign-up button on the home page.
b) Fill in the form.
c) Go to your email and verify your email address.

2.    Submitting KYC (Know your client)

All Investors should submit KYC information and provide supporting documents. Information requested in the KYC questionnaire form is required, firstly, to verify your identity, secondly, to register you as a shareholder in the company shareholder register later on. We ask only the minimum required information observing the laws.

According to their KYC politics, our Payment provider, French electronic Money institution Lemonway, requires submitting two different ID documents - Passport and ID card - that's where comes such required document in our KYC form.

After you submit all KYC data, our Support team will review documents, dive deep into submitted information, double-check it, and verify your account as soon as possible (if your account is pending, please let us know – we will kindly ask him to hurry up).


3.    We are obligated to categorize investors into two groups-daily investors (Non-Sophisticated) and Professionals (Sophisticated).

You may ask, what's the real difference while investing in growing companies' equity?

a) Non-Sophisticated investors have investing limits while investing in one project put in place; they also receive more information about related risks 
b) Some investment opportunities in the future might not be available for non-sophisticated investors due to the high risk. Don't worry, you will not miss the chance to invest in the next unicorn.

4.    Pass the knowledge test and Simulation (for Non-Sophisticate investors only)

These steps allow us to verify your investment experience, overall understanding of investment products, and readiness to accept the risk. Then, based on the information you provide to us, we set your investment limits. 

Non-sophisticated Investors have to pass a simple Knowledge Test and share their investing experience with stocks, equity, and other financial instruments. That info will help us understand how well prepared you are for equity investments.

Non-sophisticated Investors also should simulate their ability to bear financial losses. Again, this is a requirement of the new European regulation. But don't worry, if you are not ready to share this information with us, you can perform Simulation for your own needs. We will not see the data you have input, only the fact that the Simulation was performed. Although, without these data, we may set lower investment limits for you.  

We suggest performing Simulation and providing bright answers on the test to enjoy investing.

For most patient readers of this blog... It's not mandatory, and it is possible to skip the Knowledge test and Simulation submission, but please note that in this case, investment limits will be set for Non-sophisticated investors. Unfortunately, this also means that access might not be granted to some investment opportunities. 

Thank you for your patience and time. Let's work together to make this world a better place. 

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