Kaip galime jums padėti?

Do I have to take a knowledge test?

Do I have to take a knowledge test?

To comply with regulatory requirements, CrowdedHero is required to run a knowledge test of prospective non-sophisticated investors in order to ascertain their understanding of crowdfunding investments. If you are classified as a non-sophisticated investor, you should take the knowledge test prior to accessing our platform and services as well as every two years. Given that sophisticated investors are, by definition, aware of the risks associated with investments in crowdfunding projects, there is no merit in applying a knowledge test to them. In the knowledge test, we request information about your experience, investment objectives, financial situation and basic understanding of the risks involved in investing in general and in investing in the types of investments offered on our platform.

Please note that we do not prevent non-sophisticated investors from investing in the offers available on our platform if they have not taken the knowledge test. Any and all investments made in the offers published on our platform are made at the investor's discretion and responsibility.

Please see [CrowdedHero’s Investor Classification Policy] for more information about the Knowledge Test.

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