Kaip galime jums padėti?

Do I have to take a simulation test?

Do I have to take a simulation test?

In order to comply with regulatory requirements, we are required to ask prospective non-sophisticated investors to simulate their ability to bear loss, calculated as 10 % of their net worth, prior to granting access to our platform and services, and also on an annual basis. This is done by asking non-sophisticated investors to take a simulation test.

Each time a non-sophisticated investor accepts an individual crowdfunding offer that exceeds the higher of either EUR 1,000 or 5% of an investor’s net worth, we are first required to inform the investor of the risks and ask the investor to prove that they have received the results of the simulation test and understand the investment and its risks. Please see [CrowdedHero’s Investor Classification Policy] for more information about the Simulation Test.

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