Kaip galime jums padėti?

Can there be any conflicts of interest between CrowdedHero and a project owner or investor?

Can there be any conflicts of interest between CrowdedHero and a project owner or investor?

We operate as a neutral intermediary between our clients, and as such we do not participate in any offer on the platform. . In line with our size and organisation as well as the nature, scale and complexity of our services we are committed to ensuring that there are no conflicts of interests when providing services to our clients. We have established, implemented and maintain necessary measures to prevent, identify and manage circumstances that constitute or may give rise to a conflict of interest in the course of the provision of services to our clients. Please see [CrowdedHero’s Conflicts of Interest Policy] for our approach in identifying, preventing, managing, and disclosing conflicts of interest that may arise during the provision of the services.




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