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Who is behind CrowdedHero?

Who is behind CrowdedHero?

Founders and board memebers:

Jānis Blazevics, a private banker with over 10 years of sector experience.

Sandris Rugums, an M&A and private equity professional with a successful career spanning 20 years.


Raimonds Blumbergs- crowdfunding and fintech enthusiast with a sales and marketing background.

Liene Kraucuka Pugule- An experienced fintech Lawyer with pan-European corporate law experience.

Svetlana Skeneva-A world-class fintech project manager with over 10 years of banking experience.

Filips Pavars- talented financial analyst


50% owned by company founders and CrowdedHero employees in the future.

50% owned by 5 early stage fintech sector investors from France, Georgia and Latvia.

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